Publication: “The Other Wind” in the Literary Encyclopedia

Great News!


I am excited to share with you that my entry for Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Other Wind has been published in the Literary Encyclopedia!

The article is available now, but unfortunately it is a subscription service. Check with your local institutions to see if they have access!

In summary, the entry gives an overview of the plot of the work, discusses the cultural climate around its publication, summarizes the critical response to the work, and then traces a few key themes.

This is one of my favorite series, so it was a joy to revisit the book. The whole process was a fun experience, and one that I hope to repeat soon!

Publication: Review of Tolkien and the Classics (Open Access)

My review of Tolkien and the Classics edited by Roberto Arduini, Giampaolo Canzonieri and Claudio A. Testi has been published in the Journal of Tolkien Research!

Fortunately, this research is open access, so everyone can read the review on the journal website!

Their recommended citation is:

Shelton, Luke (2019) “Tolkien and the Classics (2019) edited by Roberto Arduini, Giampaolo Canzonieri and Claudio A. Testi,” Journal of Tolkien Research: Vol. 8 : Iss. 1 , Article 7.
Available at:

If you are interested in purchasing the book, it is available from Amazon.

Tolkien and Classics on JTR

Publication: “Tehanu” in the Literary Encyclopedia

Hello everyone!


I am excited to share with you that my entry for Ursula K. LeGuin’s Tehanu has been published in the Literary Encyclopedia!

The article is available now, but unfortunately it is a subscription service. Check with your local institutions to see if they have access!

In summary, the entry gives an overview of the plot of the work, discusses the cultural climate around its publication, summarizes the critical response to the work, and then traces a few key themes.

This is one of my favorite series, so it was a joy to revisit the book. The whole process was a fun experience, and one that I hope to repeat soon!

Publication: “The Farthest Shore” in the Literary Encyclopedia

Hello everyone!


I am excited to share with you that my entry for Ursula K. LeGuin’s The Farthest Shore has been published in the Literary Encyclopedia!

The article is available now, but unfortunately it is a subscription service. Check with your local institutions to see if they have access!

In summary, the entry gives an overview of the plot of the work, discusses the cultural climate around its publication, summarizes the critical response to the work, and then traces a few key themes.

This is one of my favorite series, so it was a joy to revisit the book. The whole process was a fun experience, and one that I hope to repeat soon!

Publication: “The Tombs of Atuan” in the Literary Encyclopedia

I have more exciting publication news!81ADO2jTZuL

My entry for Ursula K. LeGuin’s The Tombs of Atuan (the second book in the Earthsea cycle) has been published in the Literary Encyclopedia!

The article is available now, but unfortunately it is a subscription service. Check with your local institutions to see if they have access!

Just like the first entry on A Wizard of Earthsea, this entry gives an overview of the plot of the work, discusses the cultural climate around its publication, summarizes the critical response to the work, and then traces a few key themes.

This is one of my favorite series, so it was a joy to revisit the book. The whole process was a fun experience, and one that I hope to repeat soon!

Publication: Review of Echoes of Valhalla: The Afterlife of the Eddas and Sagas by Jón Karl Helgason

81eV3qnYYRLHello everyone, I have more publication news this week!

My review of Jón Karl Helgason’s Echoes of Valhalla: The Afterlife of the Eddas and Sagas has also recently been published in Folklore!

You can find the review on the Folklore website if you have access. You can also request access through your local research institution!

The text reference is:

Shelton, Luke. “Book Review: Echoes of Valhalla: The Afterlife of the Eddas and Sagas.” Folklore, vol. 130, no. 4, 2019, p.429.

Shelton, L. (2019) “Book Review: Echoes of Valhalla: The Afterlife of the Eddas and Sagas” in Folklore, 130:4, 429.

Publication: Review of Laughing Shall I Die by Tom Shippey

Hello everyone!

51jKAxyiaoL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_I wanted to share that my review of Tom Shippey’s Laughing Shall I Die: Lives and Deaths of the Great Vikings has been published in Folklore!

You can find the review on the Folklore website if you have access. You can also request access through your local research institution!

The text reference is:

Shelton, Luke. “Book Review: Laughing Shall I Die: Lives and Deaths of the Great Vikings.” Folklore, vol. 130, no. 3, 2019, pp.322-323.

Shelton, L. (2019) “Book Review: Laughing Shall I Die: Lives and Deaths of the Great Vikings” in Folklore, 130:3, 322-323.

Publication: “A Wizard of Earthsea” in the Literary Encyclopedia

Hello everyone!


I am excited to share with you that I have received word that my entry for Ursula K. LeGuin’s A Wizard of Earthsea has been published in the Literary Encyclopedia!

The article is available now, but unfortunately it is a subscription service. Check with your local institutions to see if they have access!

In summary, the entry gives an overview of the plot of the work, discusses the cultural climate around its publication, summarizes the critical response to the work, and then traces a few key themes.

This is one of my favorite series, so it was a joy to revisit the book. The whole process was a fun experience, and one that I hope to repeat soon!

Conference Paper: Eomer Gets Poetic: Tolkien’s Alliterative Versecraft

Two weeks ago, the Open Access Journal of Tolkien Research agreed to publish the paper I presented at the 2018 Tolkien Seminar in Kalamazoo:

Shelton, James (2018) “Eomer Gets Poetic: Tolkien’s Alliterative Versecraft,” Journal of Tolkien Research: Vol. 5 : Iss. 1 , Article 6. Available at:

The paper is a very basic introduction to Alliterative Verse, and Tolkien’s particular dialect in The Lord of the Rings. It then goes into exactly how the use of alliterative verse impacts the reading of the story for a modern audience.

You can view the full paper by clicking the image below:

**Please remember: this is not a peer-reviewed article. It is a conference paper, so it represents ideas in process and not a finalized product.